Breaking the bitter chains of poverty through health, housing, education, and sustainable development.
The GOD'S CHILD Project (GCP), based out of Bismarck, ND, has been in existence since 1991. GCP is a non-denominational, nonpolitical organization reaching children and families in intense poverty. GCP provides essentail care for thousands of children, widows, single mothers and families here and abroad. In addition, GCP's Institute for Traficked, Exploited, & Missing Persons (ITEMP) provides online safety information, prevention, and rescues victims of human trafficking.
Category: Associate/Non-Profit
Mark Ehrmantraut
721 Memorial Highway #2
Bismarck, ND 58504
Phone Number: (701) 255-7956
History: Since The GOD’S CHILD Project’s founding on April 24th, 1991, Patrick Atkinson, GCP's Executive Director has worked to break the bitter chains of poverty and bring hope and aid through its award winning Education, Healthcare, Dignified Housing, and Sustainable Development (Job Creation and Training) programs.
In addition, GCP’s ‘Institute for Trafficked, Exploited, & Missing Persons’ (ITEMP) engages across the United States and worldwide in the education, online safety and prevention, detection, investigation, rescue, prosecutorial assitance, and rehabilitation of victims of human trafficking while working with municpal leadership about safe community laws and engagement.
Member Since: 10/16/2024