Morning Star Ranch
Morning Star Ranch provides Vitality emu oil products, emu feathers, emu eggshells, emu tours and emu presentations for schools, organizations and speaking engagements. Products are available retail and wholesale. Provides Farm Animal Tours - Emus, Katahdin Hair Sheep, ponies, donkeys, Great Pyrenees dogs.
Category: Artisans & Gifts Personal Care Products
JoAnna Stinar
2981 37th St NE
Inkster, ND 58244-9705
Phone Number: (701) 865-4274
Cell Phone Number: (218) 779-3759
History: Since 1997. Raise quality stock for quality emus. Member: American Emu Association. Katahdin Hair Sheep sales - meat, breeding, pets.
Member Since: 03/01/1999
Vitality Emu Oil - Pure Skin Nutrition
Pure Emu Oil All Natural // No Fragrance // No Added Ingredients Superior Skin Supplement Transdermal—absorbs quickly through all layers of skin - No oily or greasy feel!! Anti-Inflammatory—may help irritated red, itchy, and inflamed skin conditions. Used for sore muscle and joint symptoms. Hypo-Allergenic—for sensitive skin Anti-Bacterial—minor cuts, and burns Does Not Clog Pores—moisturize, soften fine lines and wrinkles—blemishes, redness Soft & Silky ~ Young & Healthy