Prairie Sky Breads is an independent baking operation serving handcrafted breads and pastries to the folks of Minot since 2014.
Category: Food & Beverages
Travis Gerjets
3 First St. SE
Minot, ND 58701
Phone Number: (701) 858-0612
History: Our Story:
This story begins when Travis (baker, co-owner) was still a child, watching his Nana bake bread (and bake her special rolls!) for family celebrations. The flavor of those fresh, homemade baked goods inspired him to start his own baking journey -- a journey that has led to co-creating a baking company: Prairie Sky Breads.
We launched Prairie Sky Breads in 2014 when Travis, baking in his mother-in-law’s kitchen, made 12 loaves of bread for the Minot Farmer’s Market. Folks really enjoyed the crusty, "artisan" style bread that we baked... and we sold all 12 loaves! So we made more. And more. By our next season at market, we were coming with over 100 loaves of freshly baked bread... and we still could not meet demand. People were really digging the bread and some of the other baked goods -- like scones -- that we were bringing to Market.
When Farmer’s Market ended in the fall, many of our customers starting asking how they could get freshly baked bread in the winter. And so we started our "Bread Subscriptions" which featured home delivery during the off-season. At that point, we were baking year-round and this was starting to look a lot like a real bakery!

Our baking operations moved temporarily to be located in the Parker Center in downtown Minot. We were super fortunate to be there… but then we are started to burst at the seams. We were in need of bigger ovens -- and ovens that are specially designed to make artisan style bread: baguettes, crusty rye breads, multi-grain loaves, crispy pizza crusts… We needed a bigger mixer, we needed more work space, storage space, we needed more space! We needed… to open our own bakery! Our plan was to move across the street into the "old antique building" and open our bakery doors in early 2020! And that is just what we did!
At Prairie Sky Breads we work hard to serve our Minot community members the highest quality baked goods, made with real ingredients, baked fresh for you and your family. We believe in this bread. It is what we eat in our families. It is what we want to continue baking for our neighbors here in Minot.
In 2020 we opened our own space in downtown Minot to do just that: a bakery where we can produce great, healthy breads, specialty baked goods, stone-hearth pizzas -- a place where we can gather together as a community and sip good coffee and break bread together.
Member Since: 09/25/2018