Nordic Wines is a locally owned winery located in Mapleton, North Dakota. Our winery was established in 2023 by Wayne Anderson. We have a passion for creating high quality fruit wines by utilizing a variety of grapes and a myriad of fresh fruits to create truly unique flavors. With every sip, we want the drinker to experience the wines bouquet, the tannins tartness, and the fruits natural sweetness.
Category: Food & Beverages
Wayne Anderson
105 Gold CT Suite F
Mapleton, ND 58059
Phone Number: (701) 361-3380
History: Tired of not being able to find a wine that was different from the bottle next to it, I set out to make something that had body, depth and where every sip was an experience.
So in 2019, I started tasting and fermenting fruits trying to find the balance between sweet, tart, and drinkability.
With a good dose of help from my family and friends, I was able to refine the wines flavor and palatbilty over the next year's.
Many gallons, glasses, and bottles later, Nordic Wines by Wayne has developed a celebrated menu that is pushing the edges of what can be done with wine every day.
Member Since: 06/08/2024