Grand Harbor Meats
Grand Harbor Meats has a retail storefront open now at 523 3rd Avenue SE in Devils Lake. Beef, pork & bison products available on hand including steaks, roasts, burger, brisket, ribs, and many other speciality cuts. Grand Harbor Meats takes pride in serving our customers with locally-raised, quality meats at an competitive price.
Category: Food & Beverages
Tanner Elshaug
523 3rd Avenue SE
Devils Lake, ND 58301
Phone Number: (701) 230-4184
Cell Phone Number: (701) 350-0022
History: Grand Harbor Meats was founded September 2021. Tanner Elshaug has been farming and ranching in the Lake Region for the last 6 years. Our store front has been operating since April 2, 2022.
Member Since: 10/04/2021
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