Friesz Family Farm LLC
Handmade Wool items out of my own wool from my farm flock of registered Corriedale, Border Leicester and Lincoln sheep. Specialize in making 100% wool dryer balls, wool felted insoles, wool felted soap, yarn, wool wall hangings and wool rugs, and bird nesting balls and other hand crafted wool items. We raise breeding stock available for sale as well as raw fleeces. We are licensed to retail our own frozen fresh lamb cuts, snack sticks and country style sausage/brats. Our lamb is available for purchase at Tellmann's Market in New Salem, ND and DW Meats and Sausage in Bismarck, ND. The snacksticks are availbale at Rud's Mobil in New Salem, Fitterer Oil in Flasher, ND, Grab N Go in Killdeer, ND. The Melted Crayon in Jamestown, Market Society in Cavalier, Midtown Marketplace in Grand Forks, The Metro Perk & Market in New Salem, and Northland Insurance Agency office in New Salem. handle our retail wool items and snacksticks. We will be introducing wool pellets available for a healthy garden and flower beds/pots in March 2024.
Category: Food & Beverages Artisans & Gifts Personal Care Products
Joana Friesz
4465 34th St
New Salem, ND 58563
Phone Number: (701) 843-8750
Cell Phone Number: (701) 400-8744
History: I have been raising sheep for over 40 years. My passion for wool has developed in the past few years. A beautiful, versatile fiber that is hypoallergenic, free of chemicals, and has some many great purposes. The Corriedale sheep are sheared once a year amd the Lincolns and Border Leicesters twice a year - keeping the sheep healthy and handled with care.
Member Since: 01/23/2019